Friday, 11 January 2013

Transcripts for Day 9 of the Corporate prayers of the Prayer Summit.

Topic: The Elevation Church
Text: Is. 54 : 1 - 6

Short Exhortation

We are continuing our intercessory prayer for The Elevation Church focusing on Enlargement, the beauty of the prayer being that we by extension will also pray the prayers  for ourselves.
Enlargement starts from the mind, our capacity for faith & capacity to believe. God will do this ( start the enlargement) by unleashing his wisdom on us engaging our hearts to the point that we get dissatisfied with status quo and look to change (inspirational dissatisfaction). We challenge ourselves to reach to attain more in God - praying the right prayers, asking the right questions, living right.

2Kings 6 : 1 - 6
We need to be sensitive that God needs us to do ministry in a new dimension, building lives & as this is done we will have to expand our tents.
In the processor striving for enlargement we will encounter things that "don't look like it" but God will work it out far beyond our expectations on the outcomes - marveling us in the process as we take possession.

Prayer points

1. Make room! 2Kings 3 : 15 Go out of your comfort zone to make room, ask God to stretch your mind, knowing that the enlargement will be done in an instant without any warning / indicating signs. As you dig ditches God will fill the. Up in Jesus name.

2. Ps. 119 : 32 Enlarge my heart, enlarge our Church to see things we haven't seen before; give us capacity for a new level, to capture dreams & visions. Pray that we will not be satisfied with little things. Lord enlarge our hearts that we may run in the way of your vision.
Help us in Elevation church to birth new visions  for ministry, transforming our lives.

3. Send people to us that you will rescue from the pit of hell by our ministry; send souls to your kingdom through the Elevation Church, we ask Lord that people from all works of life receive redemption through the ministry of the Elevation church.

4. Divine instructions leading to divine enlargements. Lord give us  instructions leading to digging of ditches, changing our thinking. We receive divine instructions with grace for obedience that will lead to divine enlargement in Jesus name.

5. Divine help leading to divine enlargement we trust you Lord  for divine help. There are things we can't do on our own so that we do not come across stagnancy or be stranded. We receive favour from the corridors of power, opening doors of enlargement for us in Jesus name.

6. In 2013 Divine Assistance for myself & my family, business,career,marriages, relationships...
Prophetic helping hands in every sphere of our lives such that we are not stranded in Jesus name. Anything lost will be recovered by prophetic help ( business, career, marital destiny etc)

Declaration: you will not dwell in desert places in the matters of the heart but will dwell in well watered gardens in Jesus name.

7. Lord considering the size of our assignment we prophetically declare that where we are is too small for us, so we ask for capacity to get a place of enlargement, guide our steps to it, deliver it into our hands by your spirit, in Jesus name

8. We receive a release of grace to possess real estate over every member of the Elevation Church within and outside this country. That Lord God release it ( cottage industries, malls, farms, hectares of land, tank farms, etc)
 to us speedily, as it opens up for our church, let it open to us in
Jesus name

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