Saturday, 5 January 2013

Transcripts for Day 4 of the Corporate prayers of the Prayer Summit.

Topic: Withstand Deception
Text: 1Kings 13: 11 - 22.
 Short Exhortation:  This year you have to be your own prophet, no one can fast, pray, intercede for you like you do for yourself. The responsibility for your destiny to get to where God wants you to be is in your own hands. In 2013 God is sending you on assignment and there'll be deception along the way so you need to be the prophet over your life. You need to ask God for the spirit of discernment  so as to be sure you are still on track. Note prophesy is for edification, exhortation and comfort so any prophesy that doesn't do any of these three things you have the right to reject it
 1. Father help me to walk by faith and not by sight. To be continually focused on God so as not to give attention to man. Lord guard me against deception this year in Jesus name.
 2. Lord let your word not be scarce so as to give me the assurance in terms of direction. I receive grace to stand against deception, I will not walk in heresy this year as I stand on the truth of God's word.
 3.  Lord keep me from wrong company, give me grace to walk in the right company, guard me against friends that will cause me to get into infidelity, deception..... Cause divine offenses to purge the company I keep this year in Jesus's name.
 4.  Is. 30 : 20 - 21. Lord keep me in tune with teachers, mentors, right friends & associations. Whenever we get to junctions  in our lives, Lord let us hear your voice clearly saying this is the way to go. Lord I receive the grace to know the right associations this year in Jesus name.
 5. 2Kings 6 : 16 - 17. Lord we receive grace for divine friendships, by divine association bring me in contact with people who have gone the journey and can be right guides. Anoint me for divine association & friendship so people who ordinarily wouldn't have my time will take me under their wings bringing peace where I had been running around
 6. Our children will not walk into the wrong associations in Jesus name.
 7.  God grant me the humility to learn, grace learn something new daily that will be of benefit to me, my family. That knowledge will increase and prosper me, dispelling deception for me in Jesus name.
 8. 2 Cor. 10 : 5. Casting down imaginations, mindsets, worldly wisdom, knowledge causing regret, sorrow or mourning and bringing every disobedience  into captivity; that we may live free of deception and its effects.

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