Saturday, 5 January 2013

Day 1 - Corporate prayers of the Prayer Summit.

Topic: The Wisdom of God
Text: 1Cor. 2: 9- 13
We have God's spirit on our inside thus giving us access to the knowledge of the things God freely gives us, so we begin to speak them forth because we no longer have to live in ignorance.

Prayer Points

1. Luke 7: 31 - 35 (emphasis on verse 35) pray for access to the wisdom of God to take over new territories, such that his wisdom will justify & speak for you so no one will be able to gainsay or resist you. By this access to wisdom that ignorance in any area of our lives ( career, business, marriage, health, finances etc) will be abolished.

2. Proverbs 2: 1 - 6. We need to learn to ask the right questions in order to move into new frontiers. We need to be continuously curious in order to keep asking questions that will trigger the breakthrough we desire:
(a) Pray for the grace to ask the right questions
(b) Pray that God puts the right questions in your heart as concerning your life  (career, business, marriage, health, finances etc) so that you ask the right questions that will make the situation work: how do I get out of debt? How do I make this marriage work?..... Lord inspire the right questions in my heart so that I do not loose the holy curiosity that I may probe by the prompting of the Holy Spirit to get the right answers in the mighty name of Jesus.

3. Matthew 5: 21- 22, 27 - 28, 33 - 34, 38 -39. We need to unlearn something's we have imbibed in times past so that the wisdom of God will seat well to make the necessary impact in our lives. To embrace the wisdom & power of God  we need to unlearn old things.
Pray for the right heart and attitude to unlearn old things, receive the grace to unlearn those things that seemed like truths but have prevented us from achieving our best in God.

4. Pray that as you ask the right questions you will not inquire of the wrong people, the right associations you will engage in every area of your lives. Pray that God will bring the people that are meant to execute God's counsel in your life, that God will attract them to  you & dissociate you from people who are preventing Gods counsel from being established in every area of your life (career, business, marriage, health, finances etc). Pray that helpers of destiny move into your life, pray for divine rearrangement in Jesus name.

5. Pray for the wisdom to know when to move & when to stand still (wisdom of action) the wisdom to be on time, to walk in step with Jehovah.

6. The baptism of wisdom upon The  Elevation Church so that as we come in ( to church) per time we will receive God's wisdom to accomplish all that concerns us in Jesus name. Pray that the wisdom of God overshadows all who come in to The Elevation Church.

7. Pray the baptism of the spirit of God over our families such that every plotting of the enemy over us or against us is overtaken in Jesus name.

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