Thursday, 10 January 2013

Transcripts for Day 8 of the Corporate prayers of the Prayer Summit.

Topic: The Elevation Church

Text: Ex. 17 : 10 - 16

Short Exhortation

The will of God for his people is that we have victory in a divine order ( the church works / the kingdom works), each person has their place & life has colors & meaning when each one finds their their place.
When there's divine order in the house of God there's a direct impact in the life of the people. As we pray for The Elevation Church to be focused on the fact that we have our place; the Lord will war against our adversaries from generation to generation, in Jesus name.

Prayer points
1. Help me locate myself in your plans, the ultimate result being that, we prevail & not be onlookers in the scheme of things.

2. I desire to be used of you Lord, use me like you've never done before, aligning me with your purpose.

3. Divine order in the Elevation Church, that we will not break, help us to achieve divine order 2013; riding the cutting edge of God's grace. By extension we receive divine order & divine alignment into every family represented in The Elevation Church, manifesting in restoration in Jesus name.

4. Divine Strategies Matt. 16 : 19? There ways to win & walk in victory, in 2013 God wants to increase of sphere of influence. We command a release of divine strategies such that for every gate we need to bombard  there shall be on time strategies

5. Release upon us Lord wisdom that will confound the gates of hell such that the enemy will not be able to gainsay or withstand

6. I receive divine strategy to win the battles I will encounter this year, I receive the wisdom coming in the form of superior strategies/ winning strategies. I will not be confounded or confused, prevailing by wisdom

7.  We receive grace over the Elevation Church for gifts to begin to pop such that we'll see gifts in the things of the Spirit, in the physical- unusual understanding, all that you've placed in us finds grace for expression in Jesus name. No one lives a wasted life that no one will be considered unprofitable. We receive a release of gifts deployed appropriately to cause an unusual manifestation of our gifts.

8. Matt. 25 : 20 - 23. Lord we pray that by Dec 2013 we'll all be alive & well having fulfilled our purpose for 2013; all the grace granted will be deployed appropriately to yield a bountiful harvest and The Lord will say of us: well done thou good and faithful servant. We receive a multiplication of that which is in your hand, no diminishing of anything around you or in your hands.

9. We execute our assignment and we prevail over every stronghold over each area of our existence (cyberspace, social media, marketplace, career, entertainment, politics, education, healthcare, real estate, oil&gas, IT) like an exceedingly great army none can contend with.

10. Territorial domain: we have territorial domain bruising the head of satan in every sector, I walk in dominion, that which belongs to me comes to me in the power of the covenant & the blood. Nothing can stand against me.

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