Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Transcripts for Day 6 of the Corporate prayers of the Prayer Summit.

Topic: Divine Prosperity
Text: Gen 22 : 15 - 19

Short Exhortation
The covenant of prosperity is not the money gospel, rather prosperity is a wholesome experience packaged by God for his children. For instance the greeting Shalom literally means peace, but in its full contextual meaning it means "nothing missing, nothing broken" implying that beyond having enough money, you experience a wholeness in all areas of your life & existence.

An explanation of what the covenant of prosperity should look like / is all about is seen in Deut. 28 : 1 - 13. The benefits of covenant prosperity include:
* living in abundance
* peace & divine serenity over your household
* prevailing over struggles
* prevailing over contenders

Prayer points
1. Phil. 4 : 15 - 19, Jn. 12 : 24. The premise shows that in procurement of the covenant of divine prosperity, Abraham did not fail any of the test especially as regards giving; God grant me the grace of giving far more than I did last year in Jesus name, Lord take me to a new level in giving as an individual and for the Elevation Church so that we are well positioned  for the covenant of divine prosperity.

2. Josh. 6 : 1 - 5 pray that every form of containment shielding you away from the blessing of God and  your portion of the covenant are destroyed now in Jesus name. Somethings that are within the jurisdiction of God's blessing / the covenant for you but have been cordoned off are released now in Jesus name. Everything you need to fulfill destiny that is being occupied by someone is released and you take possession forcefully (pushing forth to prevail & possess it).
Lay hold on everything earmarked for you by destiny, possess them now by the covenant in Jesus Name.

3. Gen 26 : 19 - 25. Whatever contending against your increase and all that belongs to you by destiny will be  removed & you will increase, strife & contention ends now in Jesus name. Speak against the spirit of strife, you will enjoy many "Rehoboths" this year in Jesus name, signifying an end to strife & contention in all that belongs to you.
Declaration: Whoever is conniving to contend with me over that which belongs to me, Lord cause confusion in the midst of them, confusing their language thus bringing contention & strife to an end.

4. An expression of the covenant of divine prosperity is "blank cheques" - take hold of new territories as far as the eyes can see ( the covenant works with vision) declare new levels in business.

5. Thank God for: higher levels in your finances, new projects, unsolicited wealth, appointments,promotions etc. Plunder the enemy and enjoy wealth transfer by the covenant in Jesus name.

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