Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Transcripts for Day 7 of the Corporate prayers of the Prayer Summit.

Topic: Divine Direction
Text: 1 Sam. 30 : 6 - 20

Short Exhortation
The text above tells the story of how David after crying exhaustively sought the face of God and received instructions to "pursue" though he didn't wait to enquire in which direction to pursue, what we see is that because he obeyed divine instruction he was well positioned to be in the right place at the right time to have encountered the person who gave the clarifying details to the instructions he had received. He plundered the enemy and recovered all and even acquired spoils of war.

Prayer points
1. This year God will bring you across the person who will bring you to the place where the spoil is located. Is. 48 : 17. This year you will walk in the path of Destiny

2. Jn 5: 19 - 20 Submit to God as your Shepard who has the responsibility, I cease struggling, I want to be sheep indeed walking in your counsel and in your ways relying on you as my Shepard that I will not walk in the path of loss, submitting to God's direction leading to profiting. Lord is there anything or  posture pointing to me wanting to take control of my life please help me overcome all such postures, submitting to your way in Jesus name

3. Pray against the spirit of error & deception, receive grace to know the truth & believe the truth. Stand against  very device of error & lies / lying tongue, overcoming them in Jesus name.
Declaration: I enjoy the spirit of discernment to sense deceit from afar, in 2013 I shall not be deceived, I enjoy divine empowerment to decipher every form of deceit in Jesus name.

4. 1Kings 13 : 11 - 19 Lord deliver me from old prophets (detractors) or anyone who yields themselves  to be used as the agent of the devil, anyone sponsored by the devil against me in 2013 I'm supernaturally delivered from then in Jesus name.

5. Any counsellor/ mentor/ teacher who may have broken the edge, giving the devil a foothold to use against me, I escape them all in Jesus name.

6. Pray against distractions, so that you'll not be derailed from the path to destiny. In 2013 by the power of the Holy Spirit I stand against every distraction wanting to derail me from the path of destiny in Jesus name. Stand against every distraction in Jesus name
Declaration : I enjoy tunnel vision fully focused on my path of destiny walking circumspectly, seeing men as men not as trees.

7. Traditional beliefs/ mindsets that have kept me stagnant (not being in the perfect will of God for me), I receive grace to walk away from them that I may enjoy increase in Jesus name.

8. The Holy Spirit is a key factor for divine direction, you can't consistently grieve the Holy Spirit and expect him to lead you Eph. 4 : 25 - 31. Make a commitment  not to grieve the Holy Spirit

9. Ask for a fresh in filling of the Holy Spirit, give him full control as you enjoy sweet fellowship with him this year, inclining your ears to him.

Declaration: Lord that I may walk with you enjoying your company & fellowship, inclining my ears to you, trusting to walk in precision by your spirit this year in Jesus name

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