Tuesday, 18 December 2012

#ElevateDay with @gossyomega : Innovative Business Ideas for A Brighter Future

On #ElevateDay today, we're discussing how to create and implement unique business ideas.

Gossy Ukanwoke @gossyomega has been referred to as the Mark Zuckerberg of Nigeria by Forbes. Gossy Ukanwoke is the President of Beni American University at the age of 24. He oversees all affairs of the institution, from academics, to admissions and student life. 24- year old Nigerian entrepreneur wants to transform how education is provided by making it readily available.

Prior to Beni American University,Gossy founded Students Circle Network, an academic social network for students. Students Circle Network brings over 10,000 free academic resources from over 200 universities globally and shares it for free. Students Circle has grown to become a world known social network and has been featured on several news media worldwide. Gossy Ukanwoke has been referred to as “Africa’s Top Tech Entrepreneur” by ITNews Africa in 2011. He has also been a guest speaker at the Girne American University PhD series seminars.

#ElevateDay begins

@elevationng@gossyomega In your opinion, what can one do to create unique business ideas? #ElevateDay

Thank you. To create an idea that is unique, I believe we should look inward. Starting from our immediate society to see what gaps are left open. Amazingly we have a lot of places where there are options to create something new. We can look at ways to fill in those gaps, bridge the divides and provide for a need that is in the market. Lastly, look at what others have done in different markets and see how you can improve upon those and make it unique.

@elevationng@gossyomega How can you sell your novel ideas to others? How do you get them to believe in it? #ElevateDay

A novel idea sells itself. If you are solving a problem and people need that problem solved. They'll seek you out.  If you are looking at building a team, you need to find those who are passionate about same thing, they will see an opportunity to get involved and the novel idea is sold to them. The most important thing is create something unique, find a market for it, tune it, adjust it to the diversity of the market, the idea does the rest.

@elevationng@gossyomega Why is it so difficult for Nigerians to innovate? #ElevateDay

You only innovate when you have a supporting environment for innovation. That we don't have so readily in Nigeria. We have the brightest minds, but they are stuck in a society where challenging the status-quo is frowned upon. The enabling environment includes funds, government policies, supporting industries, societal perception e.t.c.

Those who will innovate are those who have decided to take whatever is thrown at them for challenging the norm. However I see an increase in the support we give each other as young people to work together to innovate. Importantly, the most ignored reason why we cannot innovate is because we see others as competitors than for synergy. We spend more time fighting each other as to who is better, than supporting one another to innovate and grow.

@elevationng@gossyomega Can you share with us some very PRACTICAL steps for starting and running a pioneer business? #ElevateDay

  • Research - look at the area you are used to, see what is needed, check for governing policies and entry barriers. 
  • Create a solution, research more, tune your solution. Do not just copy a solution off the internet and implement
  • Build a team. No matter how simple it may seem, you do not know it all and cannot do it all alone. Delegate roles to your team members, be ambitious but set realistic goals. Don't choke yourself with too much
  • Be ready to leave your comfort zone. Get on ground because things are a bit diversified on ground test your solution or idea. see what the intended users think, what do they say, iterate your idea further 
  • Legalize and incorporate . It only remains an idea till it becomes a legal entity. Consult mentors, lawyers
  • Ship your idea / product / solution and still keep listening to your market, mentors and team. Keep improving  
  • Make money :) make some impact. See how you can build a business that will outlive you. This is our biggest hurdle 
  • Keep innovating, building, shipping, watching trends, adjusting and READ! Don't get too busy for family and friends  
  • Finally on this, know when its time to exit. There are several ways of exiting, but this is a topic on its own. exit options possible - acquisition, mergers,re-focus, go public (IPO) or shutdown (not all businesses succeed).
@elevationng@gossyomega Lastly, what did you learn on your path to establishing the Beni American University ? #ElevateDay

  • Until you get into the market, do not assume. Do extensive research to get the best possible statistics you need  
  • Learn all the governing policies of your industry. There are always hidden charges and rules never publicly stated
  • Remain optimistic, hopeful & steadfast because there is a problem that needs you to solve it. Never give up faith
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are not super human. Be ready to collaborate. You are not alone
 @elevationng@gossyomega Thank you so much for joining us & sharing your knowledge and experience on #ElevateDay

@gossyomega : My pleasure always

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