Friday, 7 December 2012

#ElevateDay : The Power of Goals and Finishing Strong with Emmanuel Oluwatosin

As 2012 draws to a close,some of us have goals that we haven't achieved.This is the purpose of today's #ElevateDay .Join us as we talk with Emmanuel Olutosin, Business Manager,West Africa for Nokia Life.

Our Guest Speaker on Finishing strong on #ElevateDay today is @eolutosin ,a pro-active professional within the ICT & Telecoms sector .He has over 12 years experience identifying & developing innovative business solutions within these sectors. Emmanuel Olutosin currently leads the Mobile Monday Nigeria team & works to connect startups/businesses to angel investors/VCs. He is currently the Business Manager, West Africa for Nokia Life.
@elevationng : @eolutosin Why do think it is important to set goals ? #ElevateDay

 @eolutosin : Goal setting is your first point toward success. You can not achieve what you are not clear about. Goals put your life into real action mode. Without this step, the other steps of goal achievement cannot take place. Imagine a football match w'out goal posts? each player's a sense of direction. What happen if we remove goal posts? Also, goal gives you laser focus.

@elevationng  : @eolutosin How can an individual set goals? #ElevateDay

@eolutosin : First, you need to be clear on what you want to achieve and write it down in present tense.  Next step'll be to set a deadline for your goal. Lack of deadline can make you put off really trying to complete a goal. One thing that many of us don't do is identifying People, Groups, & Organizations that Can Assist us on the way. God hasn't created us in isolation. He has prepared people to help us on the way. So, we need to identify these people.
List benefits of achieving your Goal. What do you stand to gain if you achieve your goals today. You also need to list skills that you require to attain your goals. You may need to go to school or learn a trade. And finally, develop a plan. How do you intend to move from where you are now to where you want to achieve. In summary, you must set clear goals with deadline, identify people & skills that you need & carve out a plan. You need to be careful that you're not just following a tradition. Set goals that you can achieve & be realistic

@elevationng@eolutosin In your opinion, what makes goals unattainable? #ElevateDay

1. Lack of clarity on what you want to achieve. When you don’t know where you are going, it's really hard to get there.  
2. Procrastination: if you don’t get started, you’ll never achieve your goal. 
3. When you set unrealistic goals, it becomes difficult to achieve them. You will just be struggling  
4. The goals of most people are not documented & don't have clear deadline. Some have their goals in their head. It isn't enough to say you want to become the CEO of a company. Do you have clarity on what it takes to become a CEO?
5. Another reason why some goals become unattainable is when the owners are pursuing too many things at the time. When you set goals and you don't take responsibility for achieving the goals, your goals may just remain dreams.
6. One key reason most people overlook is power of association. Your association makes or breaks you .You can't say you want to become a doctor and spend most of your time with Engineers. You'll become doctor of engineering.
7. Lastly, most people set goals that they don't have the capacity or skills required & they are not ready to pay the price

@elevationng@eolutosin Can you share with us some very practical steps to achieving our goals? #ElevateDay

The first step is to ensure that your goals are realistic and that the goals are personal to you. Don't set a goal because that is your close friend or spouse's goal. You need to answer the why question. Why am I setting this goal? Do I have enough reasons to pursue this goal? Will I be able to follow through? Once you have been able to answer these questions, you need to break down your goals into small bits.
I learnt a system recently from Bill Hybel and it has been very useful to me. It is called the 6 X 6 rule. This means that you should identify 6 goals that you want to achieve in 6 weeks & focus on them.And don't forget to set a reward for achieving each task on the list. Reward yourself when you complete each task. Once you achieve these 6 goals in 6 weeks, reward yourself & identify another 6. Then, continue the process. The key focus here is ensuring that you complete a small task in a short time as against going for big goal at once

@elevationng : How can one deal with the discouragement that comes from not achieving goals? #ElevateDay

Don't dwell too much on your failure. Identify the reasons why you have not been able to achieve your goals and move on . Discouragement will always come but you have to do like David did. Encourage yourself in the Lord.  Above all, go to God in prayer. HE has you covered and will always show you the next step to take. Hold on to God.

@elevationng  : @eolutosin Can you share some Bible verses and quotes for achieving goals ? #ElevateDay
One that comes to mind is Hab 2:2-3 "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. The vision awaits its appointed time; It'll not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come .Another scripture that comes to mind is Prov. 21:5: "The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty.."
Luke 14:28: Which of you building a tower doesn't sit down first & count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it ? Eccl 5:3 is another great one "A dream comes through much activity, and a fool’s voice is known by his many words"
My favorite quote is "If you don’t know where you are going, every road will look attractive & inviting"

@elevationng@eolutosin Can you please share some books,movies and songs to battle discouragement? #ElevateDay

I will start with books. First one is "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy. It is a book that I will recommend any day. "Goals: How to Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible" also by Brian Tracy. You definitely want to lay your hand on "Goals: Setting And Achieving Them On Schedule" by Zig Ziglar. Last book I will recommend is "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey.
I can't think of a song now but on movie, "Coach Carter" directed by Thomas carter comes readily to mind . "Coach Carter" features Samual L. Jackson & is based on a true story. It is a movie I will recommend any day. Another movie I'll recommend is "The Pursuit of Happyness" featuring Will Smith. It's a movie to watch with your family.

@elevationng : @eolutosin What are your thoughts on “Finishing Strong” ? #ElevateDay

It's not how you started that matters but how you finish. and always remember that we are all running different races .How you run a 100 metre race is different from 8000 metres. So, understand what you want to achieve and decide on  the best strategy.  Also, a good start will help you get to d finish line faster, but without a strong push at the end, you’ll come up short. So, keep your eyes focused on the goals and the rewards and let go of every distractions on the way.

@elevationng : @eolutosin Lastly,what’s your advice for 2013 ? #ElevateDay

2013 is a new year and an opportunity to begin again. Have a clear picture of what you want to achieve and go for it.  Also, don’t allow anything or people to distract you and remember to look up to God for strength. God's grace is sufficient for us in our weakness & He's all we need to achieve our goals in 2013. So, let's trust Him.

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